by Iamgrimripear | Mar 11, 2022 | KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT DEATH
Death gods have become an integral part of modern culture . Since the beginning of time, civilizations around the world have had gods representing many things. You will find love, war, prosperity, symbols , but also the passage to the afterlife. 💀 Today we bring you a...
by Iamgrimripear | Mar 11, 2022 | KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT DEATH
Eine Allegorie des Todes ist die Personifizierung des Todes. Da der Tod abstrakt ist, personifizieren wir ihn durch physische Darstellungen, die ihm ein Gesicht geben. Diese können je nach Kultur variieren und sich im Laufe der Zeit verändern. Der Schwarze Mann,...
by Iamgrimripear | Mar 11, 2022 | KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT DEATH
The things that symbolize death or that we associate with grief are different around the world. The most striking example is the use of white for mourning in the Orient, while in the West this color is traditionally used to celebrate a wedding. So...